The Embodied Journal

3 Ways to Stop a Panic Attack in Its Tracks

Difficulty breathing, heart pounding, chest pain, trembling, feeling like the walls are closing in… having panic attacks or high anxiety is the worst! One thing that I know for certain is that everyone finds relief for panic in different ways so I will offer a few ways that individuals I’ve worked with have found relief while in a moment of panic or high anxiety.

What is Trauma?

“Trauma” has become a word we throw around in our daily life and is generally understood to be a highly stressful event. Psychologically speaking, though, “trauma” is an upsetting event or stressor (often life threatening) that exceeds a person’s ability to cope with and is accompanied with feelings of helplessness or powerlessness.  Given each individual’s combination of temperament, genetics and history, what may be traumatic for one individual may be within the ability for another to cope with, therefore trauma is based on the perception of each individual.